Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Results after four weeks

This is going to be a short post because I am super pressed for time with two book releases coming up. However, I just wanted to say that I am loving my program so far. In exactly four weeks of training I have achieved the following results:

Dropped my total body fat percentage from 22.25% to 19%

Cut 9.08 pounds of fat

Increased lean mass by 8.28 pounds

Cut 3.5 inches off my waist

Added a quarter inch to my quads and biceps

Increased my total weekly workload from 142,000 pounds up to 202,400 pounds.

It's fantastic.
Measurements as of June 4th were as follows:
Weight 273.8 lbs
Neck 17.5
Shoulders 59
Chest 52
Waist 41.5 -- 45.75
Glutes 45
Quads 27.75
Calves 18.5
Biceps 19.25
Forearms 15
Lean Mass 221.78 lbs
Fat Mass 52.02lbs
Total Body Fat Percentage 19%

(If I pump up my arms during a good workout, I am up to 20.25 inches!)

Got another 1.5 weeks until the first phase is finished and then I move onto a different 6 week lifting cycle. So excited to see what happens by the end of this program!

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