Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pushing sleds, carrying stones, and tossing barrels...

I just posted last week's workout log. As you can see, two decent workout sessions last week. I was particularly proud of my partial squats, as I worked up to 3 sets of 6 at 735 pounds. It was super fun!

This week, however, I am changing things up. I needed to drop a few more pounds, and I still want to increase strength. So, I opted for a week of strength and athletic conditioning exercises. Monday I started with stone carrying and sled pushing. The sled was loaded up with 400 pounds. The stones were actually boxes, so a bit easier to handle, but filled with between 50 and 125 pounds. I also did weighted step-ups where I lunged upward while carrying the stones.

In terms of reps, I am not sure exactly how many I did. I just know that I alternated between the movements for about 3 hours. You can bet I was pretty sore and tired afterward.

Then yesterday I did barrel tossing and dragging. The drags were something like a farmer walk, where your shoulders and calves start to burn at the end of the eighty yard mark.

Today was a bit lighter, but I did a few more barrel tosses just to keep things moving. I'll likely take a rest day tomorrow and Friday, and then go back into a regular workout on Saturday. So far though, it feels great. Some good conditioning and I am still chipping away at the weight. Hoping to come into nationals leaner than I have been in a few months, and a lot stronger too!

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