So I gave myself 14 days to rest. It was great. By the time the two weeks was up I was itching to get back into the gym. So, Monday I go in and hit the weights. And what happens?
Tuesday I get sicker than a dog.
I can only blame it on the kids. Winter time is fun. It brings sledding parties, holidays, and all sorts of fun, but along with that come the grubby little colds that kids pass to each other in order to bring home like some sort of snot-filled Trojan Horse.
So yeah, I didn't train on Wednesday. I was "sneak-attacked" by the germs my kids brought home with them. I'm still a little congested today, but I did do a light workout as all of the major symptoms were gone.
Hopefully that is the last of the winter bugs to make it into my home though, because I only have 11 weeks left until Drug-Tested Nationals, and I am hoping for some new Personal Records.
In any case, I did promise to start putting up pages with my workouts recorded on them. I think what I will do today is post below what I did today (it's still a light day), and then next week I'll post actual blog pages that are easy to find/refer to on the main page.
So, today's workout consisted of the main lifts, but only a couple accessory lifts. The reason for this is two-fold. 1- I'm still sick so I don't want to overtax the body and prolong the recovery process. 2- I am behind on a work project so I need that extra hour or two. Anyway, without further ado, here is today's workout log.
1. 145x5
2. 235x3
3. 325x1
4. 415x1
5. 465x1
6. 375x4
7. 375x5
8. 375x3
Bench Press
1. 135x5
2. 235x3
3. 325x1
4. 285x3
5. 285x3
6. 285x3
7. 285x3
8. 285x3 (No rest here- just switched weight and jumped into set 9.)
9. 225x3 (No rest- just switched weight and jumped into set 10.)
10. 135x5
1. 135x5
2. 225x3
3. 315x1
4. 405x1
5. 455x1
6. 405x1
7. 405x1
8. 405x1
9. 135x5
Bent-over Barbell Row
1. 135x8
2. 135x8
3. 135x8
Stiff-legged Deadlift
1. 135x8
2. 135x8
3. 135x8
Lying Cable Bicep Curl
1. 60x12
2. 70x12
3. 80x12
Lying Cable Tricep Extension
1. 80x12
2. 90x12
3. 100x12
That's it. Didn't take too long. Kept all of the sets as straight sets with rest between (except where otherwise noted on the bench press). No supersets or giant sets today.
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