Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting Back Up

   What makes a champion different?  Is it the training?  Is it genetics?  Is it a predetermined destiny that some will be great while others fall short of their full potential?  No, I don't think so.  I think the essence of a champion is captured entirely within the following quote.  "Everyone falls, but a champion continues to rise."  There are many variations of this quote, and I have to honestly say that I don't know who the original author is- but this was shared with me in High School by my football coach, and again by my powerlifting coach. 

     There are times when even a simple workout seems like a drag.  Perhaps you are coming back after being sick, or perhaps you only get 4-6 hours of sleep because your kids are sick.  Or, like in my current case, perhaps you are dealing with both of those things, while at the same time going through the ups and downs of work.  We've all been there- and we are certain to be there again as time goes by.  Despite my recent progress, I just wanted to go home today, curl up on the couch and eat cookies while relaxing.  Definitely not something that would help me become a Steel Dad...

     However, I kept thinking about this quote.  I kept thinking about my goal to become a Steel Dad within a specific time frame.  What's more, I have an audience that I have promised to report to.  So, I dragged my sorry, lazy carcass to the gym and kicked it from one exercise to the next for a total of 55 minutes.  It was a good workout.  I increased a lot of my working sets- but it didn't come with the usual feeling of accomplishment.  Perhaps the endorphins can't be pumped through my system so soon after being sick?  Either way, it was a good workout which I am proud of pushing through simply because it was an exercise of willpower in addition to training my muscles.  Perhaps, in part, that is what the above quote is trying to tell us; that we need to pick ourselves up and do what we can until we become who we want to be.  I will post the full week (plus the sessions from last week that have yet to be posted) on Saturday, but I wanted to post what I did today and illustrate what I might have forgone had I not remembered the quote.

2.11.13 (resting 60 seconds between sets)
Incline Bench Press 10xbar (warmup- same as always)
                                7 x220
Incline D.B. Bench    8x62 (each db is 62 pounds)
Pec Fly Machine      10x110
Chest Press Machine 6x220
Wide grip Lat Pulldown 10x44 (warmup)
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown 8x132
Cable Row                  8x165
Bent over Barbell Row 7x132
Elliptical 10 mins

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